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About Me

I am a chemistry teacher and self-confessed geek. My first contact with fantasy was many, many moons ago as a teenager, when I discovered role-playing games. From playing Runequest and Dungeons and Dragons, I discovered fantasy fiction in a big way. I have now read fantasy novels for decades. Yes, unfortunately I am that old!


In my younger days I wrote adventures for role-playing magazines, and for a short while even ran my own fanzine called 'Runestone'. I still play RPG's and am currently a Runequest campaign for friends and family.


I have over time developed a preference for realistic fantasy, anchored in a real, believable world. This is essentially a world where the laws of science still generally apply, and magic is not so all powerful that it can solve plot weaknesses with a wave of a wand.


To this end, I have found urban fantasy novels more to my liking.

'Book of Spells' is the first novel I felt was good enough to publish. My previous attempts being consigned to the bin marked

- learning curve!


I currently live in Bedfordshire with my wife and slightly deranged black cat.

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